Tri County Equipment strives to not only meet but exceed your expectations with superior service. To do this we have three full-time Integrated Solutions consultants and several interns spread across Eleven locations to assist you with your machinery and AMS equipment questions. We will be there to help you find the system that best fits the needs of your operation. The service will continue after your purchase. We will be there to provide one-on-one training at the time of installation and help ensure a smooth and trouble-free start as you head to the field. Our Integrated Solutions consultants are here to help you with questions as they arise and we are just a phone call away.
Call 810-321-5333 to reach our IS technology support team.
ISG Information
What is Precision Agriculture?
Tri County Equipment is now offering Precision Agriculture technology, providing personalized solutions for your farm’s unique problems in the Eastern & Mid Michigan Area. Precision Agriculture is using technology, information and smart machines altogether to provide the most efficient and productive farm practices available in today’s market. These products and services are designed to create customized answers to the problems of each individual operation, based on the crops you grow and the conditions you face. TCE has specially trained personnel with the tools, training, and knowledge to help you make the very best agronomic decisions and purchases. A comprehensive list of customizable services that TCE offers can be found below. For more information, visit our locations tab to find the TCE Precision Agriculture dealership nearest to you.
Why come to Tri County Equipment for your Precision Agriculture product needs?
- Increased productivity, efficiency, and profitability
- Less consumption and waste
- Reduced input costs
- User-friendly technology
- Fast return on investment
- More control and quicker response times
- We can work with most ag service providers, seed companies, and more!
- Less stress and effort!
In-field start-up assistance and system startup
This service is guaranteed when we deliver a new piece of equipment and includes operative training. Precision Agriculture training sessions are provided as a part of machine delivery and setup. Phone and email support are also offered 24/7 on this equipment.
Call 810-321-5333

Cellular RTK Guidance
Precision Agriculture gives you the ability to gain access to a growing network of RTK coverage, which provides you with sub-inch accuracy and track-by-track repeatability, including guidance line conversion. RTK service is available in most places.

Crop Services
This is an intensive management program designed to optimize the productivity of all of your field operations and raise profit levels. Crop Services focuses on four main objectives: productivity of field equipment operations, crop inputs, field productivity, and profit levels. Our certified crop consultants use data from your farm as well as zone management and machine productivity measurements to accomplish these goals.

Operations Center
John Deere’s Operations Center is a data management solution that plays a significant role, both before a producer goes out into the field and after each operation is completed. It allows users to manage equipment information, production data, and farm operations from a single website. Producers can collect data more easily, access it more readily, and analyze it more effectively. Utilize JDLink Connect, and never have to carry a flash drive again. Growers who are capturing agronomic data are usually doing so to enable and improve decision making. Users need to have tools to evaluate the data, ensure its accuracy, and take action on it.
As operations grow, keeping a pulse on what is happening with equipment and operators at any given time becomes more of a challenge. The John Deere Operations Center makes this easier with features such as Location History, Remote Display Access, and MyOperations and MyAnalyzer apps that allow a manager to see what is going on anywhere, anytime they choose. With a bird’s-eye view of the farm and the ability to remote view into the cab, the Operations Center is an essential tool for today’s progressive grower.
Growers do not farm alone. Growers collaborate with retailers, input providers, software companies, and many others to farm precisely. John Deere recognizes that growers must quickly and easily share their farm data with partners in order to make timely and accurate decisions. Enabling software applications to directly connect to the John Deere Operations Center allows growers to collaborate with their preferred partners. For needs that are not met with a John Deere solution, John Deere encourages growers to identify a connected solution.
Growers rely on many people inside and outside of their organization such as staff, John Deere dealers, agronomists, landlords, and crop input manufacturers to help them make decisions about their agronomics, machines, and more. The John Deere Operations Center makes the process of sharing machine and agronomic data easy and customizable. In the Operations Center, growers can establish a sharing relationship with staff and partners and electronically share a view of their operational information automatically. This allows them to better control and secure their data while making it available to those who can help them gain insights that increase productivity and reduce costs.
View of list of Operations Center software partners here

JD Link
JDLink setup and administration with alert setup and monitoring
Free JDLink software training is available regarding the use of the JDLink website and its app for mobile devices. Website administration and support comes standard with JDLink installment.
Transfer Data: JDLink offers wireless transfer of data between devices, including the transfer of data to your personal computer.
Fleet Efficiency Analysis: For users operating equipment in fleets, JDLink offers the capability to analyze their efficiency as a unit.
JDLink Service ADVISOR Remote: This is a product support resource permitting your dealer’s service department to log in and remotely access your JDLink powered equipment. This is available as a product support resource allowing you to Facetime with a service representative via the 26’X30’ display in your machine. In addition, this service allows you to log onto your equipment remotely to help new operators without having to drive to the field.

Controller Calibration
Machine control functions are able to communicate with a calibrated controller, signaling to them when they should start and stop, in order to perform tasks at optimal efficiency.

Rate Controller Setup/Installation
You can add a variable rate controller to a machine that is compatible with both older Deere equipment as well as other brands.

Precision Agriculture Training Sessions
In addition to the initial training session that comes with setup, Tri County Equipment offers clinics throughout the year for Precision Ag users using our training equipped FarmSight trailer. Attendance is offered free of charge at seasonal small-group training sessions. Demo equipment is also available for training.

Demo or Loaner Equipment
Loaner equipment is available while your products are down as part of our product support services. You will receive loaner equipment free of charge until your products are back up and running.

Data Analysis
We will assist you in analyzing harvest and planting data acquired through Precision Agriculture products

Data Cleanup
We will take your documented data and scrub it to get rid of errors and normalize the data.

Prescription Map Creation
We will use Precision Ag technology to assist you in creating a prescription map for your acreage, including fertilizer, lime and seeding prescriptions. This map will come up with a variable rate and the equipment is capable of executing the prescriptions in the field.

Automated Crop Reporting
Using existing mapping capabilities, this technology makes crop reporting almost entirely hassle-free. You can now report planted acres and yield from Apex software directly to your John Deere Insurance Agent electronically, for insurance purposes, using a documented calibration of your yield monitor.

GPS auto-steering allows farmers to make the most out of each pass, which saves both time and fuel. It is quick and easy to move this technology from one piece of equipment to another, which directly turns the steering shaft.

Mapping of Field Boundaries
A gator is used to map the perimeter of your usable land and give the technology a basis for operation.
RTK Coverage Map
View Our Tri County Equipment RTK Coverage in a larger map